What is Grilio?

Grilio is a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) browser-based editor that allows its users to create their image-based portfolio.

After adding your work to the portfolio grid, you can rearrange it by dragging and dropping. Additionally, you may add links to your social media profiles or online store.

Grilio is currently in development and being prepared for a public beta.

What does “taking control over my work” mean?

When exporting your site, you’ll receive the complete code required to publish it. In short, you will have total control over choosing the hosting terms that work for you, rather than be forced to host via the provider of the editor. For example, Grilio portfolios are simple to deploy with static-site hosting providers such as Netlify or Cloudflare Pages*.

Having the source code to your portfolio also means that you’ll be able to update your portfolio later on even without Grilio. That said, we think using the tools provided by Grilio will make it significantly easier to rearrange your work, as no code is required. If our customizations aren’t enough, you are also free to further tweak the layout, style and functionality by editing the code using a code editor of your choice.

How can I further customize my portfolio?

When you export your portfolio from Grilio, you’ll receive the full source code to it. You may then edit the HTML and CSS as you wish, or add JavaScript if you’d like**.

A quick tutorial for getting started with custom styling is planned.

What happens to my work when I add it to Grilio?

Grilio is, for the most part, a client-side application; in other words, it mostly runs in the browser on your device.

When adding images to the Grilio editor, your work does not leave your computer. When exporting your portfolio, the template is generated on our servers, but this does not require the uploading of your images.

Can Grilio host my portfolio for me?

There are no current plans to offer portfolio hosting. Due to increased server capacity and user content licensing (and moderation) requirements, this would increase the cost of the service.

Crucially, some developer platforms offer extremely affordable (or free) hosting options.

How is my personal data processed?

For a full rundown, please see the privacy statement.

* Grilio is not affiliated with either Netlify or Cloudflare. Neither Netlify nor Cloudflare pay or endorse Grilio in any way. We do, however, like the accessibility of their services.

** Grilio does not officially support customizations made outside of the Grilio editor. When editing externally customized portfolios with Grilio, some of the changes may not be retained.